Our Goals
Helping Property Owners Find Solutions to their Problems
Helping Investors Build a Future of Wealth & Freedom

Investing in Your Future
Partnering with Achieve Properties is Your Avenue to Building Wealth Through Property
Achieve Properties offer a proven track record of successful investing, and the drive to keep delivering on this success, with full transparency. The key to success with property investing is putting in the time to understand the current trends in the local market; where is demand; what are the current property values; where will they go in the future; what is the demand for rental properties; how will this develop? This understanding is built up through the experience of buying and selling properties in the area; spending time analysing the activity of the housing market by monitoring online house sale websites such as rightmove, and through regular contact with estate agents. It is essential to have an interest in properties; and James is particularly enthusiastic about improving properties that are in need of refurbishment and providing good homes for others. There are always headaches and snags that come along with buying properties and renovating them, managing any tradesmen as required, and sometimes when dealing with tenants. However, the best approach is to be proactive – keep up to date with your legal requirements, build good relationships with agents, solicitors, tenants, tradesmen; and treat everyone involved as you would wish to be treated yourself.
A Masters in Philosophy
Prior to setting up a successful flooring business, James studied Philosophy of Science at the London School of Economics, and achieved a distinction on his Masters Degree. This required a dedicated focus, enthusiasm and an aptitude to analyse and understand many complex ideas. The essential key to his success here is the same as he carries into his property investing – persistence. Keep going and keep learning.
Alongside the experience of investing in property James puts significant time every day into developing his knowledge: reading up to date books on the latest strategies; listening to podcasts to keep up with legislation changes; and attending courses to continually improve his skills.

3 Pillars of Successful Property Investing
To build wealth through property for yours and your family’s future you must put in enough time and have the right knowledge. Achieve Properties offers you the opportunity to shortcut this process through partnership. There are many ways to work together and there are many ways to invest in property. We work to understand which opportunities may be right for you, and to structure the deals so that they align with both your current situation and your long term goals. We only invest in deals where, following thorough research, we believe there to be a clear opportunity; and we only work in partnership when we believe that partnership is right for all those involved.